October 16, 2013

Photo Shoot Attempt

They say the optimal window for newborn photography is 10-14 days. Well that time came and went about a week ago! Its so hard to sit down and take proper photos when you're the actual sleep-deprived, sweaty, leaking, hormonal mama. So I didn't get to it until 22 days after her birth and even then I didn't have nearly as much patience and gave up after about 20 minutes (Mama needs her rest!!).

This week has been pretty good. Indie is taking 2-3 hour naps during the day/night, which means I'm not getting much sleep but I'm hanging in there. I'm thinking of doing a post on her schedule soon for fellow babywise mamas. I've googled "Babywise 3 Weeks Schedule" several times this week and there definitely aren't enough posts out there detailing typical schedules. Maybe I can help change that!


La Maman Heureuse said...

Wow, if you made these pics yourself as a actual sleep-deprived, sweaty, leaking, hormonal mama, they are more than gorgeous. She's just too precious!

Emily said...

What beautiful little girls you have! Congrats!!