November 8, 2012

Little Healer

My daughter - she is so sweet! Even though I'm the parent and technically the one who is supposed to be imparting good values, I am surprised by how often I feel like she is reminding me of whats important. My little girl is full of love and compassion. As her mama I get to enjoy hugs, cuddles, and kisses all day long, but more than that, she appears to genuinely care about others. Of course, she does squabble and fight with other two year olds from time to time, but when it comes to her family she is very in tune with other's feelings and is quick to take up the role of healer when someone is sad.

The other day we made a special trip to specific grocery store to find our favorite brand of jam. When we got to the jam and bread aisle, I discovered that they had stopped carrying it. I wasn't pleased and Heidi could tell.

 "Whats wrong mommy?" she asked, visibly concerned from her baby seat in the grocery cart.

 "They're out of our jam!" I answered with my best frowny face.

"Oh nooooo!!" she exclaimed and put her hand on my arm and slowly started to rub it in a reassuring manner."Its ok mommy... Its ok" and she just kept rubbing. 

Nearby a middle aged hispanic woman's draw dropped. "I raised 6 six kids and none of them ever did that to me." 

It isn't uncommon for her to take one of our sighs or sniffles when we are tired or sick as a clear indicator that we are upset. Sometimes I forget that she is constantly watching and paying attention to us and am genuinely surprised when she says "Mommy are you ok? Mommy are you crying?" And even though I will answer her "No, I'm just tired baby" or "No, I'm just sick" she still responds with "Oh, its ok mommy! when we get home I will go in the kitchen and get you something to make you feel better!" 

Maybe its because nurturing others is not something that comes easily to me, but I find her ability to be so aware of people inspiring. I think she is going to be very special. I think her love for others will make her shine throughout her life. I can't wait to see how she uses it.