December 25, 2010

Mood Swing

One minute she's:

and the next she's: 

Isn't it a little early for mood swings?


Heidi and Ali 
I have no idea what they're looking at here but this picture is hilarious!

So excited! Liza was given some free tickets to Legoland and she took me with her to check it out. It is so cool! I had pretty low expectations coming in but I was very happily surprised. For those of you who have never been, its similar to Disneyland except its geared towards a younger crowd (IMO ages 2-10). I loved that they had several attractions and even rides that were specifically for younger children/toddlers. So many times this age group gets left out at amusement parks, but not so here! Heidi got to go on her first ride! I cannot wait to take her back and let her run around with all the other toddlers.

Another thing I loved was the "model mom" club. Basically a giant nursing room /changing room/pumping station/private restroom area just for moms of little ones. There was a microwave, bottle warmer, and even free tampons in there! The only thing they were missing were Boppys! They also had this "Nanny Caddy" vending machine filled with every necessity that you could possibly forget to put in your diaper bag - nursing covers, diaper rash cream, sunblock, tylenol, pacifiers, etc. What a great idea for us mommies!

The park is huge. I couldn't believe how long it took us just to walk through the place! And I still didn't get to see everything! Overall I was very impressed. We are definitely going to get passes. So grateful we have an amusement park close to our home and that we wont have to drive an hour every time we're in the mood to take her somewhere fun!

December 22, 2010

Fun at Jordan's House

Heidi loves to play with Jordan in her crib!

She sits and watches Jordan jump up and down, laughing hysterically

and then when Jordan takes a break, she stands up and tries to bounce a little herself!

The only thing Heidi enjoys more, it seems, is looking at herself in the mirror. I can't really blame her. If I was that cute I'd have a hard time pulling myself away from the mirror too!

After spending time together in Jordan's room the girls like to head downstairs to the living room, where the bouncy house awaits. At two years old, Jordan loves the bouncy house. As soon as she gets in she is bouncing, flipping, and giggling with delight. Heidi is still getting used to it, but I think once she does Jordan's house will be her favorite place to visit. I know it would be mine at her age! 

December 20, 2010


My father holding his granddaughter.

See the family resemblance?

365 Days of Heidi

Sorry I haven't posted in forever. I haven't been a very good blogger, I know. But I'm back!

 So lets get on with it. 

Heidi is officially a year old. I never thought I was going to be one of those moms who became an emotional wreck every time their child hit a milestone, but apparently I am. Heidi's first birthday was somewhat of a somber day for me. Its sad to me that she will soon no longer be a baby; that this time in both of our lives when everything is new will be so short lived. Of course my mother's response to this was "Don't be sad! You're too young to be feeling this way! Just have another baby and you'll be too busy to care." While I do agree that another baby would be a distraction, I'm pretty sure she had ulterior motives in her advice (sneaky!). I'm happy with our little family of three. Maybe we will have another one someday but for now I don't want to be distracted. I want to enjoy every fleeting moment of this little girl's life. I just know that she wont be a child forever. There will be a day when we have to say goodbye and let her leave to start a life of her own.

Raising a child is a highly underrated privilege, isn't it?