December 16, 2013

Around Here

So I was full of good intentions to chronicle these first several weeks, but alas the schedule of this mother of two did not allow such luxuries. I thought about depriving myself of more sleep to blog, but when I consulted Maslow's Hierachy of Needs it just didn't make sense. However, things around here are starting to change. All the sleep training is finally starting to pay off - at 11 weeks Indie is through the night! She sleeps from 7 pm to 6:30 am without waking up. I've had about a weeks worth of full nights of sleep and I am starting to feel like myself again. So, I'm back! I'll have to play catch up for a while, but hopefully I can stay on top of this little blog.

 Here are some of the sweet moments I managed to capture with my camera over the past few weeks.

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