May 24, 2011

Tips for Traveling with Baby

OMG I'm so stressed out. We just got back from our cousin Mariah's wedding/mini vacation in Napa so theoretically we should be nice and relaxed, but I feel quite the opposite. Let me tell you - vacationing in a luxurious spot with baby on the hip - not the best idea! Napa is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been. Seriously. Napa makes Carlsbad look ugly, but I completely underestimated how difficult this trip would be. Heidi is the best behaved baby I know, but she was a disaster on this trip. Already fussy due to teething/travel/sleep loss, Heidi became a complete monster when she developed a random fever of 104 degrees. She was pretty much constantly being medicated, but that didn't stop her from letting us know, in no uncertain terms, how miserable she was. We're talking constant whining. The only time she stopped whining was when strangers offered to hold/watch her (Thank you Jathan and Katie!! and thank you older gentleman who sat next to me in first class on the airplane!!!) 

Besides her general fussy demeanor we ran into several unforeseen obstacles to vacationing with baby, like this one - Heidi will not sleep as long as there is light or noise in the room she is in. This meant that if we wanted her to to take a nap or go to bed, we had to turn the TV and all the lights off, silence our cell phones, and figure out a way to entertain ourselves in the dark. This meant that I ended up spending many an afternoon lying on my hotel bed daydreaming about all the fun things I COULD BE doing in Napa if I had only left Heidi with my parents. 

In light of my recent travel I have decided to post some tips for traveling with baby. I hope they help you in your future travels.


Tips for Traveling With a Baby

1. Don't.

2. If you have to travel with a baby, book multiple rooms so the baby has her own private place to sleep.

3. Bring a nanny along to stay at the hotel when you want to go out.

4. Ask your doctor for prescription narcotics with both adult and infant dosaging instructions for the times you must interact with your child.


Never been to Napa? Check out these pics to see just how gorgeous it really is. 

(culinary institute)

(rolling hills)

(castle amorosa)

(niente winery)

(brix restaurant)

May 1, 2011

Vernal Falls

Literally cannot wait to climb this waterfall again! June seems so far away!