May 31, 2012

Bad Blogger

I have been a very bad blogger! Its been almost 2 months since I blogged! Hang tight cause this post is gonna be a long one!

This is what happens when you join Instagram! All of your creative juices start being diverted and the blogging gets pushed to the back burner!

But I'm back now.

Whats new? Well my nanny job ended because my family moved away for the summer. I feel sad knowing that they are hitting new milestones and I'm not there to witness them. I know they're not my kids, but I still feel connected to them, almost like I'm an aunt or something.

Now that I'm not working as a nanny anymore I've been helping my MIL turn one of her properties into a vacation rental and then I am managing it. We have been renovating the house and I've been in charge of decorating. I'm so glad that I discovered Pinterest because I was able to use that to help me choose styles/color schemes. I really like how its turned out, now if we can just start getting some bookings! We are listing it so last minute for summer, I am nervous. Anyway, here are some pics of the beach house.

In other news, in a desperate nostalgic sentiment, I made my two year old daughter stand still so I could put curlers in her hair. Worth it? I'm not sure, but she did look pretty cute. 

Heidi has had a lot of firsts lately: 

First Dip N Dots

First Candy Necklace

First Croissant

First time being allowed to have at her Spaghetti despite the fact that we were at a fine restaurant

First Noah's Ark Costume Party as a Swan

She loved the snack Table! 

and First time at the San Diego Safari Park

Now that I'm instagramming I started taking more pictures of us with my cell phone doing random things. and sometimes doing nothing at all. An Iphone is so much more convenient than using an actual camera and its a great way to feel creative without putting forth much effort. My Instagram account is flooded with pictures like these:

3 generations wearing Coral

Heidi practicing for her future career

 Me waiting in the car (super exciting right?)

Austin and I at dinner (I think he looks so handsome in this pic!)

Heidi in the meadow 
Can you believe this was an impromptu pic taken with an Iphone?

I love Instagram!!

Last, but definitely not least we attended our 3 day Bible District Convention at Qualcomm Stadium. We stayed at a hotel for a few days and it was such a nice trip and I so enjoyed the spiritual feast! I always feel so encouraged and built up after District Convention. It really helps put everything in perspective!

 Heidi loved getting dressed up in her new dresses! As did I!

Day 1

Day 2

 When we got our new Children's DVD "Listen To Jehovah". They played a segment of the song during the program and Heidi covered her ears while we all stared at her to see her reaction. She is so silly. 

Day 3
We were matchy matchy on this day! 

Well I think you're caught up! Promise to post again soon!

Moving into our new house soon! So excited!