January 29, 2012

Easy DIY Chalkboard Tutorial - without chalkboard paint!

Materials Needed: 
1 Mirror 
Utility Knife or Scissors


     When choosing a mirror make sure that the actual mirror surface (not including frame) is not bigger than the biggest peel and stick chalkboard available which is 25 by 38 inches. I got this mirror on clearance at Pier 1 imports for only $40, although it originally went for $150. The mirror was bronze in the store which wasn't the look I wanted so I spray painted it white. If you choose to do the same I highly recommend getting a spray paint gun for around $5. You can pick one up at the same place you buy your spray paint and it will make the job much easier. I've painted without one and my hands were so sore afterwards from holding down that nozzle! 

1. Take apart mirror from the back using a screwdriver.

2. Remove mirror.

3. Lay chalkboard applique out on a flat surface. Lay Mirror on top of it and mark the chalkboard around the perimeter so that you can easily see where to trim off any extra applique.

4. Trim Chalkboard to desired size.

5. Apply peel and stick chalkboard to the reflective surface on the mirror. The hardest part here is just smoothing out all the bubbles that collect between the mirror and applique. This took my husband and I ages to do. Definitely a two person job. 

6. Place mirror back in its frame with the chalkboard side facing out. 

7. Reattach backing and screws.

8. Cure chalkboard by rubbing the chalk that it comes with all over the surface and then erasing it. If you don't do this, sometimes the first marks you make on your chalkboard can remain visible for a while. 

9. Enjoy your new chalkboard!

Note: The Peel and Stick chalkboard is not to be used with kids street chalk. The company will send you two small pieces of chalk along with the applique but they break easily and are kind of messy. We prefer to use Expo Bright Sticks which are like giant pastel gel pens. They wipe off pretty easily with a damp washcloth and we just love the high contrast. These are the same pens you often see restaurants using to write out their specials on sidewalk chalkboards. We love them! 

Also, If you grow tired of your chalkboard, the applique can very easily be removed with no damage to the mirror. How cool is that? 

Pretty darn cool, is you ask me. Enjoy!

January 26, 2012

On Things

On Friends:
Do you know who your closest friend is? If you don't, it's time to find her.
Maybe you've known her all along. Maybe its an acquaintance who you haven't really reached out to.
Find her. Cherish her. Take care of her and she will take care of you.
Every woman needs a close friend.
 I've been with and without and let me tell you - I am not a happy girl when I am without.

On Guilty Pleasures:
Don't deprive yourself. Don't feel guilty when you eat something delicious. 
The many different flavors in our food are each gifts from our creator. 
If you worked hard to create a gift for someone would you want them to feel guilty whenever they enjoyed it?

There is no such thing as food that is bad or food that is good. 
It is whether or not we choose to listen to our bodies that creates problems.
If you body is hungry, feed it. Give it what it asks for. 
If you aren't hungry, don't eat. Your body doesn't need it. 
And your body, ever the survivor, will put it away for a rainy day. 

Stop depriving yourself  and  listen to what your body asks for.
After a while you will start to see that you have tricked yourself.
Sometimes the body asks for sweets and fats, yes.
But more often, when you really listen, it asks for vegetables, fruits, proteins.
You just have to learn to listen to it.

On Feminine Wiles:
Men love us because we are feminine.
In decades past mothers used to teach their daughters how to be feminine.
How to be demure. 

How to make a man feel like a man, just by acting more like a woman.
In this day and age feminine wiles have become something of a lost art.
However, I do think most of us have an idea of how to imitate that behavior.

Its hardly instinctual, but remember when you were first dating your husband?
Remember how you acted then? Ever polite. Sweet. Affectionate.
 Remember how hard you tried to look nice for him?
Those things attracted him enough to pursue you. Don't lose sight of them. 
Otherwise he may lose sight of what it was that attracted him so much to you.

On Pouting:

When you make a pouty face, its almost impossible to let go of a bad feeling.
Smile instead. Sure its fake.
But smiling actually triggers the release of feel good hormones. 

A recent study found that women are more attracted to men who appear to be sad and brooding.

Conversely, men were unattracted to brooding women, but very attracted to big happy smiles.
Another reason to give up the pout and start smiling.

Well thats it for today ladies. Hope you've enjoyed my wisdom.

January 17, 2012

Courage in Forgiveness

Today I am linking up with the The Shine Project to talk about Courage.

“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.” Ambrose Redmoon

I have been trying to think of areas in my life that I have shown courage. I am not a timid person by nature, so it is not often that I am afraid of things.

But there is one fear that I constantly haunted by. 

I am afraid of being hurt. 

I am afraid that someone will point out what I consider to be my deepest character flaws. I am afraid that someone will point out that I am less than satisfactory. Even though I know that I am. This truth is painful for me to consider. 

I am afraid to love and trust those who have, in the heat of the moment, pointed to the deeper darker side of me. Those who have belittled me for my flaws. 

Sometimes I am tempted to cut them out of my life entirely for fear of being hurt again.

But I don't. 

I conquer this fear by praying to God to help me to forgive those who have inflicted wounds upon my heart. Instead of shrinking back and distancing myself from them, I forgive. I let go. And I force out of my mind my inclinations to be done with them. 

Jesus was asked "How many times must I forgive my neighbor? Up to 7 times?" to which Jesus answered "up to 77 times" symbolically emphasizing that there should be no end to the number of times we extend forgiveness to our neighbor. And when they impaled him, Jesus himself asked God to forgive his torturers saying that "they know not what they are doing".  

Even though I am afraid that these people who have hurt me in the past may hurt me again, I continue to exercise courage by forgiving them. They most likely will hurt me again. I know it. I expect it. But how can I ask for forgiveness if I can't give it? In my mind, there isn't really a choice, but it still frightens me. 

Facing that fear? Well, it feels pretty darn good. And I'm proud of myself for doing so. 

January 15, 2012

PMS Coping Strategies for Husbands

Ladies. If you are married to a man under the age of 30 you need to share this article with your husband. 

A man of 50 has had plenty of time to learn these things. Not so with a youngin. 

I shared it with my husband today and he was in awe. 


Apparently he just thought he married a lunatic.

Educate him today. It just might save you from a fight or two.
Web PMS Husbands

January 11, 2012

Wishes/Goals for 2012 plus Anniversary #4

Last year I made a list of goals for the new year. If you missed it, you must read it here. I have to say I'm very disappointed most of these did not come true. Like seeing Michael Buble or Harry Connick, Jr. in concert. Or taking a pole dancing fitness class. I must have forgotten about those goals as soon as my fingers typed them out. I'm really disappointed in myself. As I sit here about to compose my list of Goals for 2012, I am not going to make the same mistakes of setting goals that are just too high. So here we go.

Wishes / Goals for 2012

* Drive by a gym that offers pole dancing  fitness classes.

* Listen to Michael Buble or Harry Connick, jr. on Pandora.

* Buy a bottle of fake tan and apply somewhat regularly

* Learn to make Hollandaise sauce and incorporate it into our breakfasts at least once a week month, once in a while.

* Work harder at writing more on my blog, instead of just posting lots of adorable pictures.

* Learn to listen to what my body is trying to tell me and kindly treat myself accordingly, meaning eat when i'm hungry, stop when I'm not anymore, sleep when i'm tired, exercise when I'm antsy, etc.

* Consider taking my dad up on his offer of free Piano lessons

* Call and make lunch plans with friends I haven't seen for too long

* Inculcate within my daughter's heart a sense of gratitude for life and for her father who takes such good care of us.

* Eat out less, cook more, cook better

* Fall in love with the healthy life

* Keep a list of ideas for posts and work on them when I'm feeling creative

* Remember to document some of the projects I do around the house so I can share them with the Pinterest community.

* Grow long healthy hair and not bleach the crap out of it. 

* Remember to watch more sad movies around that time of the month so I can let it all out in a safe place.

 * Verbalize the amount of respect and love I have for my husband more often. Praise others more in general.

 * Spend at least 10 minutes a day outside with the sole intent of listening to the sounds of the birds in the trees and the branches swaying in the breeze and in general just focusing on the gift that is my life.

Well thats my list. Have a feeling I'm going to feel very good come January 2013.


On a completely separate note, we celebrated our fourth anniversary this past weekend in Redondo Beach. 

Me, Austy, a seaside hotel room. Cheesecake factory less than 50 feet away. It was lovely. I shall never forget the filet of fish sliders from that Portofino Hotel. They were amazing.  And the crab hash from Cheesecake Factory - the best breakfast I've ever had in my entire life.

Oh and the hubs was kind of amazing too. Its so nice to have alone time free from stress or obligations to just be us - as opposed to us the parents or us the team united against credit card debt. Its wonderful to just relax and enjoy each other's company. To give us a chance to remember why we chose each other in the first place. 

And our destination was just dreamy. Warm sunshine, sparkly waters, views so magnificent you just can't do them justice with a camera.  

Definitely exceeded our expectations. Especially when we saw this from our hotel room.

This anniversary getaway - just what we needed. So glad we made it happen.

January 5, 2012

Tricycles, Pigtails, and Silk Pajamas

A week ago I sent my dad this picture of Heidi and Jordan playing on Jordan's Tricycle. Notice Heidi's cheeks in comparison to Jordan's. She is sooo my daughter. 

She doesn't sweat. She just turns pink. Just like me.

Apparently, my dad loved it, because the very next weekend he bought her one of these: 

She loves it. 

Evidence below:

She doesn't pedal full time. She likes to divide her energies between pedaling and Flinstoning it. Its super cute to watch. Except when she gets a wheel stuck. Stuck wheels = meltdowns. Which aren't fun, but thats ok, because they end the moment I unstick it. And life goes on.... 

Never in my life have I enjoyed a tricycle more! 

My Face

To those of you who laugh and remark at the lack of pictures of me on my blog - this ones for you. Enjoy it. You probably won't see another picture of me for quite some time. Why? Because I mainly use this blog to chronicle my thoughts and life as seen through my eyes. And these days I just don't spend that much time in front of the mirror. Too many other awesome things to be absorbed in! Thank goodness for that!