August 25, 2010

Car Seat Canopy

Why didn't I think of this?

How to Handle Your Problems

If you haven't noticed already, these old WWII posters are making a come back. I went shopping the other day and I saw them on pillows, mugs, stationary, t-shirts, and little plastic british phone booths. 

Its pretty good advice, but I think I prefer the alternative.

Cooking Class

I am so excited to take this cooking class !! (<-- click to see)

Cannot wait for all of us to get into our cute/sexy aprons and start cooking!

So happy/suprised that so many people are signing up.
 I really didn't expect such a good turnout!

Its gonna be great to have some ME time. So tired of feeling like the only things I talk about these days are babies. Which diapers are best? Who makes the most organic healthiest baby food? Which is the better baby carrier - Moby, Bjorn or Ergo?

I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE!! I miss when the world revolved around ME and my flat stomach! When I got checked out and asked out on a daily basis! Those were the good ol' days. It is so true when they say that youth is wasted on the young. What I wouldn't give to be 19 again. 23 is so old! Ugh!

(this post is a joke, but seriously)

August 18, 2010

The Blue Fairy

If you look closely you can see Heidi's first tooth.

Free Photobook!

           Ok, so you guys have heard of Snapfish and Shutterfly right? Out of the two I preferred Snapfish, but I have recently stumbled upon an offer from a company called Picaboo. Picaboo is similar to Snapfish and Shutterfly, except it only sell photobooks as opposed to prints, customizable merchandise, etc. Well I've downloaded their software and it is 10X easier to use than both Snapfish and Shutterfly. You can customize everything! I love it. So I'm working on Heidi's baby book using Picaboo. Can't wait to order it. Check out the free photobook offer if you are interested. It expires on the 31rst of this month.

If you want to see the beginning of my photo book that I am getting for free click here ---> Heidi's Baby Book

August 9, 2010

Gina's Wedding

On Sunday we went to Gina and Jonathan's wedding. She is one of the most beautiful people I have ever met - inside and out - and it makes me so happy to see she has found such a spiritual and kind mate. So sad she is moving away to South Carolina. Her poor dad tried very hard not to lose it during his prayer, but to no avail. There wasn't a dry eye in the room after that.

Jonathan and Gina

Sisters - Christina and Gina
(so much ♥ for these girls)

Heidi wanted to get dressed up for the wedding so we tested out
 the fancy dress we bought for her photo session coming up.

Can't wait to have Kim do the professional shots!

Expressive Heidi

Heidi has an endless variety of facial expressions she likes to amuse me with.

This is one of my favorites.

August 8, 2010

Siesta Savannah

My mother in law got a new puppy - a white lab who goes by Savannah.

Savannah loves Toni and spends most work days curled up next to Toni's feet.

I thought all puppies were bouncy and non stop energy, but Savannah is truly one of a kind. Sure, she can be playful when she wants, but it seems her greatest joys in life are sleeping, cuddling, and napping. She also really enjoys reclining and can usually be found relaxing. At least this is what I have deducted from my short time knowing her.

Either way - adorable!

Here she is sacked out on the kitchen floor.

August 4, 2010

Drunk Baby

I may have given Heidi a little too much to drink. Shhh dont tell.

(kidding of course)

August 3, 2010

Elizabethan Desserts

The bestest bakery in the whole wide world is nestled right here in Encinitas.
 If you have not already had the pleasure, may I introduce you to Elizabethan Desserts?

While they offer a wide selection of desserts, I've only tried the cupcakes.

They are orgasmic.

I consider myself quite the cake expert as I have tried "Cupcake Joy" in Solana Beach and "Nothing Bundt Cakes" in Del Mar, as well as several other cupcakes from various bakeries. Elizabeth, the owner of the Elizabethan Desserts, puts all other bakeries to shame. Her cupcakes have real butter in the frosting so they have to be kept refridgerated until you're ready to eat them and even then you can't just take them out the fridge and take a bite; you have to let them settle down to room temperature so they are nice and soft.

 Ever heard of such a high maintenance cupcake?

 I didn't think so.

 Surely thats a sign of a truely wonderful scrumdillyumptious creation.

My two favorite cupcakes are the Bee's Knees (Chocolate cake with honeycomb frosting) and the Grasshopper (Chocolate cake with mint frosting). Definitely worth more than double the asking price!

Elizabethan Desserts is located on the corner of Quail Gardens Drive and Encinitas Blvd, nestled in the Sunshine Gardens Nursery. To learn more visit their website.

Viking Baby

Introducing Heidi to her Viking heritage.

Daddy has high hopes that she will grow up to be a
Viking warrior princess.

Mommy is not so sure.

Heidi is very mature for her age, but the stories of what her ancestors
 were known for (raping and pillaging) greatly upset her.

Right after this picture was taken she took the helmet off and flung it across her crib.

Daddy is not giving up hope yet.

August 2, 2010

Horizontal Heidi

As you can see from the picture, Heidi is ready to cut some teeth pretty soon.
 How sad will it be when she is no longer a toothless baby!?

Another sad day was the day we realized the era of putting
her in her crib and her staying horizontal was over.

She has learned to pull herself up in her crib and is now practicing
alternating between standing on her feet and standing on her
 knees while holding bunny and enthusiastically babbling.

In addition to assuming upright posture in her crib she has also mastered crawling.

Its very cute, but very sad.
My bébé is starting to look more and more like a toddler.