August 30, 2011

Naughty Girls

Today Heidi and I were rebels. We skipped school. As in our mommy and me class. At first I just decided I was too tired to go and wanted to sleep in an extra hour, but then a much better excuse presented itself in the form of an invitation from my mother to do a girl's day. Just what I needed. At first she suggested our beloved Quail Gardens, aka toddler paradise, but I decided it was too hot to do anything involving the outdoors so we decided to take a drive. We ended up in beautiful La Jolla, home of the most expensive homes in the nation (literally - google it). It was ridiculously hot, in fact, 10 degrees hotter than our original destination, but that didn't stop us from getting out the stroller and hiking up and down its numerous hilly beaches. After about 10 minutes I wanted to die. I think I had a heat stroke, but I was happy to be squeezing at least one legitimate trip to the beach in this summer. We have been spending way too much time poolside, where air conditioning is only a few feet away through the sliding glass door.

After our beach hike we decided to try out Smash Burger - a seriously competitive Rival of Five Guys Burgers. I have to say, I'm leaning towards the Smash.

This picture is making me hungry. 

After we filled up on cheeseburgers we decided it was time to see if the infamous Sprinkles cupcake lived up to its hype (this is where we should have stopped). We only just got a Sprinkles in La Jolla and I've always wanted to try one so it was only natural that we drive 5 miles across town to try one out. The verdict? Ehh. This bakery is way better. No offense Sprinkles. 

Its amazing what naughty things you get yourself into during a girl's day.

So fun though. 

August 28, 2011

Love Letters, #2

Dear Cold Stone,

Within the last month we have spent over a hundred dollars buying ice cream from you. This is ridiculous. We are supposed to be saving our money to pay off our credit card debt. So we have decided to boycott you and make our own dessert creations. The truth is your ice cream is just like all the other ice creams in the world, cold and delicious, and we can add our own Oreos in without spending 6 bucks a pop. I wish I could say we will miss you, but we wont - in fact, Austin says my Oreo Mud Pie Sundaes are much better than yours. No offense. 



Dear Buca di Beppo, 

Your stuffed shells are delicious, but guess what? I found a recipe online that is even better than yours. Thats right. Here is the link. Check it out. Best part, it costs about $20 to make and makes not one but two giant trays of stuffed shells. TWO. 

Suck it, 


Dear Credit Card Debt, 

I know we said we would pay you off, but we got a little sidetracked. Living at home with mom got us a little too relaxed and we stopped resisting our shopping impulses. Also, I bought a super amazing camera so that didn't help. Next month I promise we will start paying you down. Please be patient.



Dear Animal Crackers, 

You are disgusting. Ugh. If Heidi makes me eat another one of you I'm going to throw up. 

Gagging at the thought of you, 


Dear House in Short Sale,

If all goes as planned you will be officially ours in a little under two weeks. This makes me very happy. I can't wait to clean your dark, rich, hardwood floors. I can't wait to fill all of your storage compartments with all of our crap. I can't wait to look out your windows into the canyon while my husband proclaims "check out the ocean view!" and all of us squint to see that tiny blue line that is, in fact, ocean.

I just want you to know - You are beautiful. Don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise. I'm sorry your previous owners lost interest in you. Its not your fault that you are worth $300,000 less than what they paid for you in 2006. Its just the economy. We are going to rent you out to them for a little bit longer, but don't worry. We will be moving in soon. Just give us time. 


Your homeowners to be

August 22, 2011

Heidi's First Day of "School"

Today was Heidi's first day of "school". Now by school, I don't actually mean school. We aren't old enough for that yet, but we are old enough for a mommy and me class held at a school! Its technically a parenting class that I had to sign up for through the local community college, but it feels alot like school for toddlers to me. We sat and sang songs. We clapped when we were happy and we knew it. We had snack time. We had play time. We even discussed the school's policy on sharing which I happen to love because it mirrors real life (if your child falls in love with a toy, they are free to play with it as long as they want, sharing-shmaring). Heidi had a blast. She seriously loves being around other kids. I wish we were ready for another kid, cause I think she would be happier with a little brother or sister, but we are so not. Mostly because pregnancy sucks. I don't want to go through that again anytime soon.

 Although I will admit, I'm starting to feel a teensy bit baby crazy...

August 20, 2011

Heidi and Daddy

Love this shot of little Heidi at Quail Gardens. My favorite part of it is that daddy is in the background standing by with her binky. He is such a good daddy and I'm glad I chose such a good father for her :)  

August 18, 2011

Whimsical Ali

Classy Ali

I'm not a professional photographer by any means, but can you believe how talented I am for absolutely no formal photography education? Wow I sure am gifted. Just kidding (but seriously!!)

Confession from a Nanny

This is Bradley. The baby that I nanny for. Confession: I think I'm falling in love with him. He is kind of a heart throb. It feels really weird to admit this, but sometimes when I'm at home chillaxing on my computer, I'll stumble across one of his photos and instantly wish I was at work so I could give him a cuddle. This is either a testament to his insane adorableness or me desperately needing some better hobbies. I'll let you be the judge.

August 12, 2011

Don't Cry...

Sexy Sax Man

                                                    This is awesome.


- Dr. Suess

August 11, 2011

Quail Gardens - Toddler Paradise

Heidi and I met up with Peyton and her mama Ashley for a trip to Quail Gardens today. It was my first time with a toddler in tow and let me say - Quail Gardens is toddler paradise. There is so much for them to do! They had a blast splashing around, blowing bubbles, pushing their strollers, and even climbing up in a tarzan-esque treehouse. 

When it was time to go we couldn't resist buying annual passes. 

I think Quail Gardens is going to be our new favorite hangout. 


Baby Bradley being adorable.

August 9, 2011

Iphone Love

This is so my daughter. 

Camera Love

These fabulous photos were all taken with my brand new Canon  Rebel T3i! I LOVE this camera. This is my first SLR camera so I am still learning how this thing works, but I am literally in awe at the improvement this is over my previous camera. I'm guessing it has something to do with the fact that my last camera had only 8 Megapixels, while my latest addition has over double that at 18 Megapixels. I am only on page 85 of the 322 paged owner's manual and I haven't gotten anywhere near the shooting video section, but I can't wait to learn how to use it! It captures video in HD quality and I am just dying to get into making artistic home videos. I absolutely love surfing through Vimeo and watching everyone's elses homemade videos. Here are a couple that left me feeling inspired. 

August 4, 2011

World Breastfeeding Week

This week is World Breastfeeding Week. When all other mothers in the world are taking this time to reflect on how much they love breastfeeding and how wonderful breastfeeding truly is, I would like to take the time to reflect on how much I hated breastfeeding with this list I composed called -

10 Reasons Why Breastfeeding Sucks

(my worst nightmare)

10) Breastfeeding changes the shape of your boobs. If your boobs were ever perky, they wont be anymore after breastfeeding. Unless, of course, you pay a plastic surgeon to cut off the bottom third of each breast and sew them back together. This surgery can be costly, anywhere from $5000 - $10,000, depending on whether or not you decide to see a plastic surgeon who operates in a third world country.

9) In order to breastfeed, you have to spend alot of time sitting doing nothing. Newborns need to eat every 2 hours and each feeding lasts on average 30-60 minutes. This translates to roughly 8-12 hours of breastfeeding per 24 hour period. 8 -12 HOURS. SHOOT. ME. NOW.

8) The Human Pacifier Effect. Breastfeeding will become your baby's preferred method of soothing himself. This means that sometimes when your baby is really upset, the only way to get him to calm down will be to stick your nipple in his mouth. Forget handing him off to someone else. He wants your boobies and he wants them now!

7)Nursing Bras. They don't offer any support. And if you happen to find one that actually does it will be the ugliest bra you have ever seen in your entire life.

6)Loss of dignity. If you plan on breastfeeding and sustaining a social life at the same time you will have to go out in public with your baby. At some point in your journey, usually at the most inconvenient point (Murphy's Law), your baby will get hungry and want to breastfeed. You will have to unlatch your non-supportive nursing bra, pull out your engorged boob and stick it in your babies mouth all without the comforting privacy of your child's nursery. At first you will feel embarrassed and try to seek out private and dark places to feed your child, but as places like these are generally few and far between and generally offer only the most uncomfortable seating, you will resort, out of sheer desperation, to doing these things right in front of all your friends and their husbands with only a flimsy nursing cover for privacy.

5)Boob leakage. If you happen to find someone silly enough to accept the challenge of babysitting your nipple obsessed baby and you are able to go to the grocery store without him, do not assume that just because your baby isn't with you that you are free from the challenges of breastfeeding. Your boobs do not care if that baby crying in the grocery store is not your baby. To your boobs, that sounds just like your baby. Your boobs will respond by springing a leak. Goodbye baby, hello wet t shirt.

4)Increased Thirstage. Imagine you are hiking through the Sahara Dessert, in a snow suit, during a sand storm. Think about how thirsty you would be and times that by 10. Thats how thirsty breastfeeding makes you.

3)Your husband will either become disgusted or obsessed with your new milk spouting boobs. Neither is good for your sex life.

2)Nipples are not for biting. But try explaining that to your teething 6 month old. Your baby WILL bite your nipples. If you are lucky you'll survive with just some soreness. If you are unlucky you may end up in the E.R. where a nice doctor will reattach your nipple with 17 stitches. This happened to someone I know!

1)Bruised, cracked, and bleeding nipples. Need I say more? For those of you who aren't convinced yet, let me add Mastitis and Thrush to the list. Google that!

Hats off to all the mothers who voluntarily put up with this crap. You guys are awesome! 

Happy Breastfeeding Week!

August 2, 2011

You Can Trust The News, Right?

This is crazy! I can't believe so many news stations were reporting their assumptions regarding the attacks in Norway. I guess it just goes to show you can't always believe what you hear, even from the nightly news.