January 4, 2011

Wishes/Goals for 2011

 Wow what a year 2010 has been! So happy to have become the best thing ever (a mom).  Also so happy to have lost the one thing that usually characterizes moms (the baby weight)(at least where i come from haha). This has been the best year ever! Can 2011 top it? Doubt it! But here are some goals that might get it close! 

Wishes/Goals for 2011

*Get an awesome tan without damaging my skin or aging. In fact, a tan that reverses sun damage would be even great.

*Decrease my body fat percentage to -2%

*Find a substitute for Dairy (something high in protein and low in calories, i can't do yogurt anymore cause its at war with my skin, apparently)

*Go on a super awesome vacation for free

*Take one of those new pole dancing fitness classes

*Find a way to show off my new "dancing" skills without having to install a tacky pole in my bedroom

*See  Harry Connick, Jr. or Michael Buble in concert

*Only watch educational TV

*Be hit on all the time by random hot guys so I can tell them how happily married I am

*Fulfill my lifelong dream of becoming a late night Jazz Club singer

*Go to more symphonies or Operas

*More Disneyland! 

*More Indian Food

*Teach Heidi to do fun/impressive stuff that none of her peers can do 

*Set up all of my single friends with their future marriage mates

*Learn to dress modestly and sexily at the same time

*Yosemite! (I don't know who's going this year but I want to!!!)

*Become more hospitable (throw more dinner parties/parties in general)

*Find a place that teaches Tango/Salsa/those fancy dances from period pieces like Pride and Prejudice and take lessons!

*Learn to play an instrument overnight without any lessons or practice just by ear and raw talent

*Watch a special news bulletin that announces they have finally found a cure for cancer!

Please please please let most of these come true!!!!


         While 2010 had its share of wonderful events, it also had some tragic ones too. My father in law passed away after a fight with an aggresive brain tumor (glioblastoma multiforme). While I try to be positive and lighthearted in this blog, we all miss him very much and its truly been a difficult time getting along without him. How we look forward to the day when we will be able to embrace him once again! Till then we try to remain as happy as possible, confident that its only a matter of time before God will reunite us again. 

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