January 11, 2012

Wishes/Goals for 2012 plus Anniversary #4

Last year I made a list of goals for the new year. If you missed it, you must read it here. I have to say I'm very disappointed most of these did not come true. Like seeing Michael Buble or Harry Connick, Jr. in concert. Or taking a pole dancing fitness class. I must have forgotten about those goals as soon as my fingers typed them out. I'm really disappointed in myself. As I sit here about to compose my list of Goals for 2012, I am not going to make the same mistakes of setting goals that are just too high. So here we go.

Wishes / Goals for 2012

* Drive by a gym that offers pole dancing  fitness classes.

* Listen to Michael Buble or Harry Connick, jr. on Pandora.

* Buy a bottle of fake tan and apply somewhat regularly

* Learn to make Hollandaise sauce and incorporate it into our breakfasts at least once a week month, once in a while.

* Work harder at writing more on my blog, instead of just posting lots of adorable pictures.

* Learn to listen to what my body is trying to tell me and kindly treat myself accordingly, meaning eat when i'm hungry, stop when I'm not anymore, sleep when i'm tired, exercise when I'm antsy, etc.

* Consider taking my dad up on his offer of free Piano lessons

* Call and make lunch plans with friends I haven't seen for too long

* Inculcate within my daughter's heart a sense of gratitude for life and for her father who takes such good care of us.

* Eat out less, cook more, cook better

* Fall in love with the healthy life

* Keep a list of ideas for posts and work on them when I'm feeling creative

* Remember to document some of the projects I do around the house so I can share them with the Pinterest community.

* Grow long healthy hair and not bleach the crap out of it. 

* Remember to watch more sad movies around that time of the month so I can let it all out in a safe place.

 * Verbalize the amount of respect and love I have for my husband more often. Praise others more in general.

 * Spend at least 10 minutes a day outside with the sole intent of listening to the sounds of the birds in the trees and the branches swaying in the breeze and in general just focusing on the gift that is my life.

Well thats my list. Have a feeling I'm going to feel very good come January 2013.


On a completely separate note, we celebrated our fourth anniversary this past weekend in Redondo Beach. 

Me, Austy, a seaside hotel room. Cheesecake factory less than 50 feet away. It was lovely. I shall never forget the filet of fish sliders from that Portofino Hotel. They were amazing.  And the crab hash from Cheesecake Factory - the best breakfast I've ever had in my entire life.

Oh and the hubs was kind of amazing too. Its so nice to have alone time free from stress or obligations to just be us - as opposed to us the parents or us the team united against credit card debt. Its wonderful to just relax and enjoy each other's company. To give us a chance to remember why we chose each other in the first place. 

And our destination was just dreamy. Warm sunshine, sparkly waters, views so magnificent you just can't do them justice with a camera.  

Definitely exceeded our expectations. Especially when we saw this from our hotel room.

This anniversary getaway - just what we needed. So glad we made it happen.


Kate said...

your hubs is a hunk! lol.
Free piano lessons!? i am totally jealous right now. Can i move in with you.. and get free piano lessons too?! Love the pictures! Happy anniversary love! <3

In our sea of love

Mrs MacKenzie said...

thanks! i agree. total hunk lol

Yes you're more than welcome to come live with us! My dad is a sucker for cute girls I'm sure I could get him to pay for yours too lol.

Monet said...

Happy anniversary & many more to come !!!! Xoxo

Mariel Torres said...

what a marvelous way to spend such a special day! Great pictures darling :)

Tabitha said...

You can achieve ALL of these goals! I do the same thing - typing mine out and then trying to cross them off. This year I am writing one or two goals a month and posting them on my bathroom mirror to remind myself. I hope it works!