December 30, 2011

Heidi is Two! As in years.

Heidi at Two:

- Talks constantly. And when I say constantly, I am not exaggerating. I was exaggerating last time I said it, but not anymore.

- Is almost completely potty trained. Would be completely potty trained if she was allowed to remain naked at all times.

- Says "Gimme Hog" about 50 times a day. And then after you give her one "I love you mommy!" Pretty much my favorite thing ever. She also does this to Daddy and all the grandparents.

Heidi and her "Papa"
- Calls us mommy and daddy, but also by our first names. "Where'd Austin go?" If I am not hearing her pleas for attention "Tamar!!!" In the morning when I've just put Austin's breakfast on the table "Auuuuuustin! Breaaaaaaaakfaaaaaaaaast!!!"

-  Will reassure us when we seem upset by putting a hand on our cheek and saying "Its ok mommy. I love you." Even if the only reason we are upset is that she is openly defying our instructions.

- Is obsessed with beverages. Whatever she sees someone drinking she wants. "I want coffee mummy" "I want tea" "I want  Green Juice" "I want beer!"

- Sings her ABCs, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and Bla Bla Black Sheep at the piano and tries to play along. I've tried several times to capture this on video but she gets camera shy.

- Likes to put on Daddy's Hipster glasses, smile and say cheese even when there is no camera in sight.

- Exclaims "I did it!" over insignificant achievements all day long. Even when it was actually me who did it.

- Loves blankets. If you hand her one she will lay it out across the floor and assume the fetal position on top of it. She will do this even in public places. Like bakeries.

- Tries to sit and ride things that are not for sitting and riding. Its so funny. The other day she took a tiny chair out of a dollhouse and tried to sit on it. She also loves to try and sit her giant bum on the roofs of tiny hotwheels.

- Loves Yo Gabba Gabba. I'm a terrible mother, I know. It was our only entertainment during Potty training week and now we just can't stop.

- Loves Iphones and will go up to complete strangers and ask to use theirs if she is bored. Her favorite App has changed from Talking Carl to Monkey Preschool Lunchbox.

- Handles her teddy bears and stuffed toys in exactly the same way Grandmothers handle their newborns. In a baby voice: "Awww little teddy bear! Come here! I love you teddy bear!"

- Loves the book "Everyone Poops"

- Loves to color and draw. She recently drew what actually looked like a banana and then told us that it was, in fact, a banana. We were pathetically proud.

- Insists that Daddy say prayer at every nap and bed time.  She closes her eyes and smiles really big, and then at the end shouts "AMEN".

- When Daddy isn't around I am teaching her to say her own prayers, feeding them two her in three to four word increments. Its really adorable to hear her saying her own prayer.

- Whispers! I whisper to myself several times a day and when Heidi hears me she starts whispering too. This comes in handy when we go to the Kingdom Hall (aka our place of worship).

- Announces several times a day where she feels like going - "I want to go to Legoland", "I want to go to snow", "I want to go to gardens".

- Says "take her" whenever she wants one of us to hold her. She picked this up from me asking various family members to take her for a second.

- Loves her "Laptop" - Fisher Price's iXL Learning System (we got it on sale for $30)

- Loves her Bouncy House (ridiculous splurge but so much fun!)

- Favorite Foods are Eggs, Avocados, Raisins, Cuties Tangerines, Chocolate Milk, and Anything Cheesy.

- Is verbally very affectionate. Tells people she barely knows that she loves them.

- Still loves to sleep with her binky and Zebra, her Angel Dear security blanket.

- Makes us laugh everytime she pouts.

- Loves her Nana! 

- Loves her Gigi.

- Loves her Papa

- Says "excuse me" everytime she coughs or sneezes. Says "thank you" emphatically anytime we give her something. Says "please" when she wants something, but only after we've ignored her requests a few times. She is incredibly polite and we're not really sure how it happened since we've never made a conscious effort to teach her manners.

- Says "so sorry mummy" over and over again for the entire length of her "time out"s.

- Is pretty much the best behaved toddler in the world. And we love her. 


Monet said...

This is the cutest post ever !!! It had me smiling the whole time !!! Your daughter is beautiful & her stories are hilarious ! Also, I LOVE the way you dress her. It's amazing how much they learn & pick up. Unfortunately, I would be right with you for being a "bad mother" because Frankie loves "yo Gabba Gabba" & it's the only thing that makes him laugh hysterically...He loves the song "it's a party in my tummy" he kicks & laughs so much when he sees wanted to ask you how do I take off the verification? It drives me crazy too lol

The Lewicutt's said...

Ahhhh, those pictures of her in that beauuutiful white dress! To die for! I love it. So much of this reminds me of Elle... especially yelling, "AMEN!" hahaha, j'adore!

Ryan and Ann Schlenner said...

Seriously, can she be ANY cuter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy New Year in 2012!!!!

Hugs, Ann

Natalie said...

Ah that is brilliant! I can't believe she was once that little baby!
I've never heard small kids call their parents by their first names before.. Must have been funny the first time she said it.
P.S Your mum and dad are looking very young! And Toni looks great too. Must be the california sun. Can we have some pics of you and Austin pretty please? :D xxx

Mindee said...

Your little girl is darling! love her piggy tails and big eyes! She seems like a super fun, cute 2 year old and so full of spunk!
Thanks for stopping by my blog : )
Yours is really cute!