March 1, 2011

Lately I've Been Loving...

The most adorable shoes (and boots) from Joyfolie (go check them out you won't regret it)

Getting ready for District Convention - So much fun to shop for baby! 

Heidi listening and following instructions 80% of the time.

These Bonnie Jean Coat Dresses 

These adorable kimono dresses from Sunloveshirts

Heidi's relationship with the stairs in our house. When she first learned to climb we had to get a baby gate and block them off because she loved to climb them. If we turned our heads for 30 seconds we'd find her racing to the top giggling hysterically. Now that she is older we have taken the baby gate away and have taught her that she is not allowed to go up them without us. Its so cute to watch her walk up to them, point to them, talk about them, and finally walk away like a good girl and  go play with her toys.

Austin regaining his health after a nasty (and I mean nasty) bout with the flu.

Leisurely strolls around the outdoor mall with Heidi. No stroller for her! She's a big girl and likes to walk right next to mommy, exploring the sights and making friends everywhere we go.

The way Heidi gets uber excited everytime we walk by Panda Express in the mall. She runs up to the glass doors, screams, and kisses the Panda right on the mouth. There are quite a few things that she can't resist kissing these days - myself included. 

Taking a shower at night and just being able to lie on the bed afterwards and not feel the least bit rushed.

The way Heidi refers to any tall man with brown hair as "daddy".

Song no. 90 "Beauty In Gray Headedness"

Diet Coke. Yes, I know I gave it up, but I started again. 

1 comment:

Mrs MacKenzie said...

thanks i really like your blog... all your posts are very thought provoking!