January 26, 2012

On Things

On Friends:
Do you know who your closest friend is? If you don't, it's time to find her.
Maybe you've known her all along. Maybe its an acquaintance who you haven't really reached out to.
Find her. Cherish her. Take care of her and she will take care of you.
Every woman needs a close friend.
 I've been with and without and let me tell you - I am not a happy girl when I am without.

On Guilty Pleasures:
Don't deprive yourself. Don't feel guilty when you eat something delicious. 
The many different flavors in our food are each gifts from our creator. 
If you worked hard to create a gift for someone would you want them to feel guilty whenever they enjoyed it?

There is no such thing as food that is bad or food that is good. 
It is whether or not we choose to listen to our bodies that creates problems.
If you body is hungry, feed it. Give it what it asks for. 
If you aren't hungry, don't eat. Your body doesn't need it. 
And your body, ever the survivor, will put it away for a rainy day. 

Stop depriving yourself  and  listen to what your body asks for.
After a while you will start to see that you have tricked yourself.
Sometimes the body asks for sweets and fats, yes.
But more often, when you really listen, it asks for vegetables, fruits, proteins.
You just have to learn to listen to it.

On Feminine Wiles:
Men love us because we are feminine.
In decades past mothers used to teach their daughters how to be feminine.
How to be demure. 

How to make a man feel like a man, just by acting more like a woman.
In this day and age feminine wiles have become something of a lost art.
However, I do think most of us have an idea of how to imitate that behavior.

Its hardly instinctual, but remember when you were first dating your husband?
Remember how you acted then? Ever polite. Sweet. Affectionate.
 Remember how hard you tried to look nice for him?
Those things attracted him enough to pursue you. Don't lose sight of them. 
Otherwise he may lose sight of what it was that attracted him so much to you.

On Pouting:

When you make a pouty face, its almost impossible to let go of a bad feeling.
Smile instead. Sure its fake.
But smiling actually triggers the release of feel good hormones. 

A recent study found that women are more attracted to men who appear to be sad and brooding.

Conversely, men were unattracted to brooding women, but very attracted to big happy smiles.
Another reason to give up the pout and start smiling.

Well thats it for today ladies. Hope you've enjoyed my wisdom.


Lindsay said...

Those pictures are adorable. And your words so very true. And Channing Tatum..yeah, well he is always a pleasure to look at!

Kate said...

Love this post! I agree with it all! I love that part about friends it is very Important VERY!

In our sea of love

sara said...

love everything about this!
it's all soooooooooooooooo right on!!

Monet said...

Once again another wonderful post ;D. I agree on everything u wrote...I love my best friend & always make it a point to contact her...I'm so very thankful to my friend Alexa...also love what you wrote about men...sometimes you get too comfortable & lose sight of who you once were...you are absolutely right we mustn't forget who we were before...btw your daughter is sooo beautiful !

I use my camera whenever we have a big event sometimes I wish it was smaller so I can capture regular moments with my son but in cases like that I just use my iPhone...lol...hope all is well with u ! :)

Mrs MacKenzie said...

@lindsay - yes, but that brooding face is where its at.

@kaitlyn - I know! We need our friends!

@Sara- - thanks! so sweet of you to say!

@Monet - You need to use your camera more!!! Why use your camera phone? The pictures aren't as good! There are precious moments to be captured!!

Mademoiselle Michael Blog said...

I loooove this. Such great wisdom (especially for those of us whom have not found our other half yet!) I love being feminine. Sometimes, I feel like I need permission to be as girly as I am...so THANK YOU!

Anonymous said...

Love these shots!! beautiful lighting! i need to get out my good camera more.

kim s