September 11, 2011

I Survived The Power Outage

Well we survived the power outage, but let me tell you - we were so bored. I feel kinda pathetic for admitting to this, but we honestly didn't know what to do with ourselves. We spent a great deal of time just wandering around the house aimlessly. And when we got tired of that, I ended up in the car, driving around in circles in our cul de sac, because it was less boring than sitting still while waiting for my phone to charge. At least Heidi enjoyed it.

After I charged my phone Austin and I entertained ourselves with the Piano. We decided that he would play Piano while I would make up words to his melodies. This worked out to be highly entertaining until he played all of the songs he knew and I realized I was unable to sing about anything other than the electronics I was missing.

My mother in law suggested that we conceive our next child so that we could be a part of the baby boom likely to follow in 9 months. I was thrilled at the idea. Austin not so much, but it didn't matter anyway because I wasn't ovulating.

When we got word that the power outage was expected to last all night and possibly into the next day we broke out our disaster kits. In the disaster kit came the greatest form of entertainment we would have all night - Flashlights. 10 of them. More than 2 for every person, including the toddler! Now normally, flashlights would not  hold any of our interests, but in these extreme circumstances they provided hours of entertainment. We created a faux disco in our backyard complete with acapella "Everybody Dance Now". We had fun signalling faux SOSes across the valley. We even played the classic campfire game of shine the flashlight into your eyes and see how long it takes you to be able to see normally again. And flashlight in the eyes tag (Where instead of tagging one another, you flash the light directly into another person's eyes when they are least expecting it).

Eventually we exhausted ourselves with the flashlights and came inside where my mother in law announced we were going to eat Tuna Salad and play dominoes. At first I was really excited to play dominoes because I had seen some cool things on youtube like this:

But this, sadly, was not what she had in mind. Her version of dominoes was much boringer. It involved matching up numbers of dots to other piece's numbers of dots. Zzzz.

But the Tuna Salad was pretty good.

We were so relieved when the power went back on that night around 10 pm. Austin and I both got straight on our computers. Him to his homicidal zombies and me to my Blogger.


MellyB said...

What's up with the older folks and dominos? My grandparents want to bust them out after every family meal and my 'must be entertained at all times' brain can't handle that. I usually wander away to pee and never come back. I'd rather re read the back of the shampoo bottle.

I'm pretty sure a video of you singing about your laptop and kitchen aid in the dark while Austin plays is necessary. I hope you're reading this thinking, "Duh Mel, already recorded. Will be posting as soon as I run out of blinding my husband with a flashlight stories".

Mrs MacKenzie said...

Sadly, I didn't think to record that, but I'm pretty sure all of our creative juices would have evaporated as soon as the camera started to record.

Sometimes I will catch Austin singing along to a sexy R and B song and I'll be like "Austin that is so hot, keep going!" and he wont be able to. Everytime he tries he just bursts into laughter.