February 13, 2011

The Best Day Ever by Heidi

Today I went to Legoland with Mummy and Daddy and Nana and Gigi. It was so much fun! I think it has to have been the bestest day of my whole entire life!!! I was so happy all day and didn't even feel a little bit fussy even though I didn't get to take my nap. I got to go on rides and play legos and see all sorts of cool stuff. So today I am blogging to show you my fun day. Here it is!

This is me with Nana on my first train ride. 

Heres me going down my first slide. It was fun but exhausting.
 When I got to the bottom I just wanted to relax!

Here is me going down an even bigger slide! Daddy and Nana were worried about me but I had it all under control. I'm a pro at slides now.
 I just lay back and enjoy the ride!

Here is me playing with Legos for the first time! I'm not quite sure what to do with them yet, but I'm pretty sure I'll be a pro Lego builder one day. I really liked trying to see how they fit together.

Here I am with daddy riding the fairy tale boat ride. It was so nice and peaceful. Daddy always makes me feel safe.

Heres me and Daddy playing around on a dangerous ledge. I can always count on daddy to create fun adventures out of ordinary stuff like walking to the next ride. 

Here is me laughing at Nana and Daddy. They were being soooo funny! 

Here is me walking around the splash zone. It was really warm so I liked walking around and getting wet. They were tons of other children running around which I loved. One little boy was so excited he walked right over and hit me in the face! Mummy had to tell him "no hitting' cause his mummy wasn't looking after him, but I didn't even care. I thought it was funny. 

Here is me in my favorite part of Legoland - the swing. The only time I felt sad all day was when mummy took me out of the swing! Ya - its that fun!

Here is me and daddy on the airplane ride. He's the bestest dad ever!

We found this statue that looked just like Daddy. I was so confused for a minute I couldn't tell which one was really  my daddy and which one was just a Lego statue! 

At the end of the day we decided to go see the Aquarium. It was pretty cool! Here is me and Daddy sticking our heads into the fish tank.

I was feeling kinda sleepy when I got home so mummy put me in my PJs but before I went to bed Grandma Gigi had a surprise for me! She bought me my first set of Legos! I couldn't have imagined a better way to end the day! Thanks Grandma Gigi! 

After a day like that I was exhausted! I was so happy to get in my crib, drink my bottle and go to sleep. It was a perfect day!



Natalie said...

Ahhh that is so sweet! It has to be the best day EVER! I think Heidi should blog more.

P.S Austin's looking rather scary and macho :0

Mrs MacKenzie said...

Ya he got a new haircut. Its very manly. Mmm. :P